Today we're fetching a look back up at AMD's note value king, the Ryzen 5 3600, only this metre with the GeForce RTX 3080. We've already seen how this Ampere flagship GPU performs using a Ryzen 9 3950X or Core i9-10900K, and surely they come close at 1440p, merely those CPUs cost in excess of $500.

Though arguably CPU pricing should be a non-issue when entertaining the idea of disbursal $700 connected a artwork card, mayhap it's not such a cold-fetched scenario. Subsequently whol, if you can save $300+ on the CPU, that's $300 or then you tail end spend on a faster graphics card. Or alternatively, if you already own an R5 3600, you'rhenium to be sure concerned in how it handles the RTX 3080.

Therein article, we'll look at performance in 15 games running at 1080p, 1440p and 4K with the Ryzen 5 3600 in a stock configuration using 32GB of DDR4-3200 CL14 memory. Also we'll overclock the CPU, running at 4.4 GHz and and then adding a manually-tuned memory 4.4 GHz configuration as well, though keeping the DDR4-3200 memory atomic number 3 we've found this works quite well.

You could take higher with DDR4-3800 memory, but at that place's none guarantee it will atomic number 4 stable with a 1900 MHz FCLK. Anyway, the point is to give you a rough melodic theme of what's possible, as always overclocking mileage will vary depending connected motherboard, memory and Processor quality.

Do note the Ryzen 9 3950X and Core i9-10900K let been enclosed in the graphs as a reference point only and take in not been overclocked. This isn't a C.P.U. vs. CPU type of content, rather we'rhenium neediness to see how close the Ryzen 5 3600 can get to delivering $500+ CPU performance in games.With that, let's jump into the benchmark graphs…


Death Stranding isn't a great title for 3rd-gen Ryzen processors, execution isn't horrendous, but we did find that the 3950X was well down on the 10900K at 1080p, and 7% slower at 1440p. Admittedly the 1440p margin was modest, only we'Re seeing an even larger cliff away with the 6-core Ryzen processor.

The 3600 was 13% slower than the 3950X and 18% slower than the 10900K, so that's a wide of the mark decent margin scorn the fact that we're still seeing ~140 fps happening average.

Overclocking the 3600 didn't help, nor did manually tuning the memory timings, but for those interested in gambling at 4K, the difference 'tween these processors is very small and sure enough South Korean won't be noticed.

Flight Simulator 2020 is some other rough title for 3rd-gen Ryzen processors. However, because it only heavily taxes a single thread, the 3950X doesn't enjoy a performance advantage when compared to the much cheaper 3600, then you're looking at identical performance.

Overclocking does facilitate to boost performance at 1080p and 1440p past 13%, but at 4K you'rhenium looking same performance crosswise the board as the game becomes in the first place GPU minor.

Phantasm of the Tomb Spoiler has proven to equal an excellent vitrin title for Ryzen with the 3950X matching and even slenderly edging ahead of the 10900K.

AMD's strong execution doesn't stem from a core count advantage though, every bit we see the Ryzen 5 3600 fork out the same level of performance. For this test, which was at first designed to measure GPU carrying out, we're using the inherent benchmark which isn't as demanding on the CPU. Still, even in our in-game testing the R5 3600 isn't a great deal slower than the 3950X.

Control is always limited by GPU carrying into action, as a result we're sighted little to no deviation between the CPUs tested, even at 1080p. You'rhenium potential to go out a alike horizontal of performance in Control with a 7th-gen dual-substance processor from Intel.

The Ryzen 5 3600 trails by a slender gross profit margin at 1080p in Rainbow Six Military blockade, though we are speaking about frame rates up around 400 fps. At 1440p we see no real difference in performance between whatsoever of the tested configurations and, of flow, the same is also true at 4K.

Moving on to F1 2020, here we see direct overclocking it's latent to get the 3600 to almost match the 3950X, though that's at least 13% slower than the 10900K. For those gaming at a more realistic resolution for the RTX 3080, we find out very little difference of opinion at 1440p, blood the 3600 was just 6% slower than the 10900K and again by the time we orbit 4K there is virtually no difference betwixt any of the configurations tested.

Gears 5 is one of the worst titles for the Ryzen 9 3950X in our essa suite as Hera the 10900K is more faster at 1080p and 1440p. The Ryzen 5 3600 doesn't fare much worsened than the 3950X and posterior be tuned up to gibe its stock performance. Once we hit 4K we're seeing like performance with true the 109000K, so for those wanting to target higher resolutions, the 3600 is much to a lesser extent of an issue here.

Every bit seen previously in our 3950X vs. 10900K benchmark feature, Metro Book of Exodus the like Gears 5 is a worst cause scenario for 3rd-gen Ryzen. There is no denying that the Intel processor is worlds faster at 1080p and 1440p, that's just an pitiful reality for AMD's Zen 2 based Ryzen processors. Performance from the Ryzen 5 3600 is still solid at the lower resolutions, but you're not getting anywhere near the most unfashionable of the RTX 3080. So it's not until we hit 4K that the game becomes predominantly GPU bound.

The R5 3600 performs real well in Horizon Cypher Dawn, at least when looking at 1440p and preceding. We see that trite, information technology was just 10% slower than the 10900K at 1440p while it matched it at 4K. And then a upstanding result overall.

Public presentation is comparable in Assassin's Creed Odyssey and hither the R5 3600 can glucinium tuned leading to deliver stock 10900K-equivalent performance, sol that's impressive. A good deal of games are going to be Thomas More GPU qualified than CPU limited with the 3600/RTX 3080 combo, so this is a good example of what you behind typically expect to see.

We'Re seeing performance that's for the most part GPU bound in World War Z as the 3600 matched the much more expensive processors at 4K and 1440p while it was also comparable at 1080p.

Resident Evil 3 is another game that ISN't particularly sensitive to Mainframe performance, assuming you have a half decent CPU. Here we're eyesight the Ryzen 5 3600 trailing the 10900K by impartial an 8% margin at 1080p with that margin closing to only shy of 4% at 1440p and then none difference is seen at 4K.

Doom Eternal is yet another game where CPU performance isn't all that important, again assuming you have a comparatively modern CPU with at to the lowest degree 8 threads. The Ryzen 5 3600 was ~7% slower than the 10900K and 3950X at 1440p, but information technology was possible to maximise the performance of the RTX 3080 with a canonical overclock and for those gaming at 4K, no overclock is required to get the most prohibited of the 3080.

It's a twin story when testing with Wolfenstein: Youngblood. Present the neckcloth 3600 was 12% slower than the 10900K at 1080p, but we see that margin eat at entirely at 1440p and 4K.

Finally up we have Torpedo 2 which is one of those titles like Gears 5 and Metro Exodus that don't run that well on Ryzen processors. Worse still we're seeing a immense difference 'tween the 3950X and 3600 that can't be successful up for through overclocking or tempered memory which is interesting.

Operation at 1440p isn't great relative to the 10900K, though it remains highly playable, merely we're not getting most out of the RTX 3080. Away the meter we reach 4K there's No performance divergence betwixt any of the CPUs tested.

Performance Summary

Overall information technology looks like the Ryzen 5 3600 has fared well, often not leaving a lot of carrying into action on the table at 1440p and nothing at 4K. The 1080p information we feel is more for scientific discipline than it is hard-nosed use display case, merely obviously for those seeking maximum performance at 1080p, an Intel mainframe is the path to go, at least for directly. Let's take a look after at the average FPS data cross the 15 game sample...

Starting with the 1080p information, we see that stock the R5 3600 was happening medium 15% slower than the 10900K and frankly presumption the price that's a good answer for AMD's budget 6-core offering. It's also important to note that the 3600 delivered sleek, utterly playable execution in entirely of these games. Those volitional to overclock the 3600 throne scale down that leeway to 9%. Of course, you can overclock the 10900K as well, but that's non the point in time here.

As expected, the margin shrinks well at 1440p and at present the R5 3600 was on common 8% slower than the 10900K and here we're approaching the aim where in the huge majority of games you North Korean won't be healthy to tell the departure between these two CPUs with an RTX 3080. Moreover, overclocking the 3600 reduced the border to only 4%.

Then finally, if you'Re targeting ultrawide resolutions operating theatre 4K, the CPU South Korean won't really matter Eastern Samoa we proverb same a few examples where the 3600 was more 1-2 fps slower than the 10900K.

What We Learned

Nowadays's results testament give you a clear understanding as to why we've regarded the Ryzen 5 3600 American Samoa the best value CPU on the food market since launch. With 6 cores and 12 threads, information technology has enough resources to world power through and through the latest and most strict PC games for just $200. For the price, information technology simply outclasses everything else in that segment, not to reference, for a good portion of its life you could snag one for $175, with prices dropping as low Eastern Samoa $160 at one detail.

We had seen before that the R5 3600 comes close to getting the most out of the RTX 2080 Te at 1440p without any manual tuning, thus the RTX 3080 results weren't terribly surprising, only IT was nice to confirm our suspicions with some actual examination.

IT's kind of fascinating to recollect that if you have around $1,000 to spend on an upgrade, you could get an R5 3600 with a B550 motherboard and an RTX 3080 for about that amount, assumptive you could find an RTX 3080 on sales agreement. This combo would meet you increasing the public presentation of the RTX 3080 at 1440p and above, whereas or els if you wanted that extra piece of performance, the next best value choice would be the Core i5-10600K, overclocked for maximum functioning.

Erstwhile you factor in a decent Z490 motherboard and a tank to fend for the overclock, you're look having to pass around $300 more. Not insane, but the Intel advance option would end up costing ~30% much, and you won't see those kinds of gains with few exceptions.

Having said all of that, the Ryzen 5 3600 is a improve pairing for a graphics plug-in costing $500 or to a lesser extent. Perhaps the Ryzen 5 CPU wish atomic number 4 better accompanied away a GeForce RTX 3070, though we're expecting those margins to be same to what was seen with the RTX 2080 Ti.

Shopping Shortcuts:
  • AMD Ryzen 5 3600 connected Amazon
  • Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 along Amazon
  • AMD Ryzen 9 3950X on Amazon
  • AMD Ryzen 9 3900X on Amazon
  • Intel Core i9-10900K on Amazon River